Wednesday, April 25, 2012

From Richmond With Love

So I am sitting in my room eating a piece of delicious pie... What kind do you ask? Lemon Chess Pie from Richmond, VA. Yesterday I came home from class and was greeted with this wonderful confection that my Uncle Junior in Richmond UPS'ed me. I was elated! Me and this pie have some very fond memories... Ones that include my Great Grandmother that passed away almost 12 years ago. I miss her dearly. She was born in 1912 so she had some pretty awesome stories to tell. She was probably the biggest driving force in me working towards getting my degree. As I am winding down classes and graduation is just on the horizon it seems fitting that I got this slice of her memory and hometown of Richmond. Although I am only one step closer to my ultimate goals (Bachelors in Marketing and eventually my MBA) I know she would be proud. Oh and this pie, it taste just as good as I can remember.


  1. What a beautiful reminder of your great grandmother. It looks delicious!

  2. This is really sweet. I love when certain foods and recipes have special meaning. : )
